Bee Pollen Health Facts II





Bee Pollen Health Facts II


  • Bee Pollen has a dramatic effect upon mental perception during athletic performances.
  • The I.Q.’s of mentally-handicapped children taking bee pollen have been nearly doubled during documented clinical tests.


  • Experiments by French doctors have revealed that pollen contains both natural antibiotic properties and significant growth factors.
  • Bee pollen provides those chemical substances from which are used to create glands, muscles, hair and vital organs. In addition, it also furnishes those essential materials that are necessary for the repair of any worn-out cells or tissues.


  • Bee pollen also produces regulatory (amphoteric) activity upon the gastro-intestinal functions, both in relation to chronic constipation and certain cases of diarrhea that are highly resistant to synthetic antibiotic therapy. Furthermore, bee pollen regulates the intestines by destroying or weakening any harmful bacteria while simultaneously promoting the growth of health-giving species (intestinal flora).
  • Bee Pollen is extremely valuable as an adaptogen by assisting in both weight gain or loss, as well as in the reduction of hypertension or increasing the overall metabolic functions. Bee pollen both regulates and stimulates the metabolism in the human organism by supplying the missing factors (or catalysts) that other foods do not provide while neutralizing the catabolic effects of various toxins, environmental pollutants, synthetic drugs or food additives, thereby producing healthier cells, improved health and well-being and a longer life-span.


  • Bee pollen enhances the metabolism by creating endless chain reactions throughout the entire system. The essential minerals and other natural elements in bee pollen act as catalysts, and are responsible for the assimilation of that portion of foods which would normally have been eliminated without yielding the energy, essential nutrients and other benefits (which usually occurs on a regular basis with most adulterated foods).
  • Bee Pollen accelerates the normal cellular processes throughout the entire organism, and acts as a catalyst in order to stimulate intercellular metabolic activities without profoundly modifying normal physiological activity.


  • The overall effects of bee pollen are multiple, i.e., it does not appear to possess only one specific physiological function but, rather, activates the systemic biological functions.
  • Elements that exist in microgram quantities (such as those found in bee pollen) can interact with co-enzymes as catalysts, or can act synergistically (i.e., the elements' action combined is greater than the sum of their actions taken separately).


  • During many years of testing, bee pollen has been notable for its lack of harmful side-effects. Few medications rank with bee pollen in terms of its lack of toxicity. It is a completely natural product that is well tolerated by the body and compatible with all other forms of therapy. In addition, it is easy to digest and suitable for all ages. Furthermore, it provides increased protection and greater resistance against any invasive or harmful pathogenic bacteria, and provides increased and sustainable energy-levels throughout the entire organism.
  • In convalescents, bee pollen creates a rapid increase in both weight and energy-levels, and from 1 to 3 tablespoonsful should be taken daily by invalids or those in a poor state of health who require total rejuvenation (such as the elderly).


  • Bee pollen is also successful in treating hypertonic illness, as well as disorders of the nervous or endocrine glandular systems. It produces the desired stabilizing effects of either increasing low blood pressure or reducing high blood pressure. In addition, it provides a calming and tranquilizing (sedative) effect without any contraindications or harmful side-effects.
  • Bee pollen is highly recommended for both mentally-retarded and anemic children, as well as for those suffering from rickets. Test results indicate a significant increase in red blood corpuscles (up to 30 percent) and an increase in the hemoglobin count (averaging about 15 percent). When these children are given supplementary doses of bee pollen and glutamic acid, their overall improvement is dramatically accelerated. The action of glutamic acid reacts directly upon the brown cells of the brain. Improvement is generally observed within the first 6 months, and reaches its peak towards the end of one year. The prescribed dosage is approximately 4 grams, 3 times a day.


  • Pollen contains large quantities of acetylcholine, which plays a varied and important role in the functional capabilities of the entire organism by provoking increased adrenaline secretions. It also acts as a chemical mediator for the transmission of nerve impulses, which may explain why pollen stimulates increased glandular secretions while acting as a tonic to the entire nervous system.
  • By stimulating the secretion of hormones from the adrenal cortex, bee pollen assists in regulating (1) salt and water metabolism, (2) neuromuscular function, (3) carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, (4) resistance to many physical and chemical agents or infections, and (5) increased activity upon hair growth, skin and sexual functions (including the improvement of secondary sexual characteristics).


  • Bee pollen also stimulates both adrenal and liver secretions in order to allow the liver to secrete additional quantities of glycoge, thereby elevating the blood sugar levels (which greatly benefits those with symptoms of hypoglycemia).
  • Allergy attacks brought on by bee pollen are normally produced by wind-carried pollens, and not by bee-collected pollens. Wind-generated pollens usually stimulate a cleansing process throughout the entire respiratory tract, especially among those who consume excessive quantities of mucus-producing foods during the winter months. 
    Bee pollen may be safely administered by everyone, even those persons who are prone to allergies such as hayfever, as they will usually suffer no ill-effects. Allergenic properties are always neutralized by the nectar and enzymes secreted by the bees. Raw honey has been specifically recommended by many professional allergists as having an immunizing effect upon the majority of pollen-stimulated allergies. This is usually a direct result of the pollen and related substances that are found in both unfiltered and uncooked honey which, when ingested, form a natural oral immunization against allergies.


  • In Sweden, pollen extracts or concentrates are obtained from two different types of extracts, namely (1) hydrosoluble cernitin (T60), and (2) lipoidsoluble cernitin (GBX1). There are 60 mg. of cernitin T60 and 3 mg. of cernitin GBX1 in "cernilton", which is unsurpassed in preventing and reducing common virus infections and related infectious conditions (due to its interferon activity). These pollen extracts are capable of penetrating cell walls, thereby being directly absorbed into the cells. This allows them to directly stimulate interferon production, thereby increasing the normal resistance against virus attacks (such as influenza and other viral infections). Vaccines are ususally only effective against viral attack from one specific virus, however, protection is normally afforded against most types of viruses when the cells are stimulated to produce interferon. Bee pollen also produces significant increases in both leukocytes and epitrocytes. The natural antibiotics found in pollen (of which penicillin is merely a prototype) will prevent the growth of certain microorganisms.
  • Additional medical properties found in pollen include: (1) bacteriostatic (arrests the growth of harmful pathogenic bacteria), (2) cytophylactic and cytotoxic (cellular defense against infection and toxins), and (3) anti-anorexic (stimulates increased appetite, but only for those who lack it).


  • Bee pollen also displays an effect similar to that of the drug amphetamine in that it acts as a "psycho-tonic". However, it does not manifest any depressive side-effects.
  • Bee pollen allows significantly increased amounts of oxygen to reach the brain and the cells in general, thereby resulting in improved overall health and mental capabilities.


  • Bee pollen will also accelerate increased tissue repair throughout the entire organism, thereby making it extremely effective in the removal of scar tissue following surgical operations.
  • Bee pollen is extremely effective in small doses, and its overall effects are usually quite prolonged.